Research Presented at Harvard Medical School

Research suggests greater emotional engagement increases empathy and decreases cognitive resistance to behavioral and attitudinal change. Dr. Durnell argues that viewing emotional content in VR can provoke emotional reactions that are the precursors to behavioral, attitudinal and social change.

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Research Poster at Stanford Psychiatry Symposium on VR for Behavioral Change

Innovation can help engage in the transformational change in health issues. Collaborate for a better world—deep and profound innovation in the human condition can change the human experience (Greenleaf, 2017). "Technology can change personal experience by structuring it—by augmenting it—by replacing it" (Riva, 2017).

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World Congress on Positive Psychology Montreal, Quebec

Research team at UC Berkeley found that micro moments of positive interaction with others and kindness (other oriented behavior) can have an effect on people's cellular functioning.  Specifically, their overall cellular health.  

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Durnell Awarded the 2017 Mike R. Neal Legacy Scholarship Award

The Michael R. Neal Legacy Award is given annually to a student who demonstrates outstanding academic achievement, media innovation and collaboration with and support of fellow media scholars. After receiving the award, Durnell responded, "I am keenly aware that I would not be receiving this Michael R. Neal Legacy award without the support and dedication of the Media Psychology faculty.

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Train Your Brain Using the Navy SEAL Mental Toughness Program

Linda Durnell, Huffington Post

If our environment is extreme in nature, complete with chaos, stress and panic, how do we live with or manage the fear and stress? The answer may exist in the groundbreaking neuroscience research that helped the Navy SEALs control their extreme environment through a mental toughness program. 

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