Durnell speaks on using media to fight terrorism

Media Psychology Team Discusses Anti-Terrorism Project

Public forum on government work to counteract ISIL messaging

Earlier this year, 10 faculty and students from Fielding Graduate University’s Media Psychology graduate program joined the United States Department of Defense in a simulation exercise aimed at countering terrorist messaging in Iraq and Syria.

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Digital Hollywood May, 2016

Durnell is committed to empowering individuals and assisting in the process of collective problem solving to find solutions that will have significant social impact. She presented at Digital Hollywood conferences in May on the topic of “Neuroscience and Virtual Reality,” which elucidates how people can avoid distraction while balancing technology with humanity through neuroscience and cognitive psychology.

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Technology and Education

“When I think of technology, media and behavioral communication, I think of change, as both media and behavior has been impacted by technology. It may be the innovation in media and technology and its relationship to education that holds such promise.  From this perspective, I can interpret what is possible and how to prepare students to face the future as both knowledgeable and empowered citizens.”  

Linda Durnell  

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Parents on the Front Lines of Youth Radicalization

Linda Durnell,  Huffington Post

It is hard to believe, but there is a number of our children and youth who will befriend and even fall in love with radical beliefs and prefer them to the company of their family and friends. Parents do not know--can't imagine--that their child could become vulnerable to radicalization.

Read the full article on Huffington Post...

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