Virtual World Society

Durnell's talk from the Virtual World Society Track at AWE USA 2017 - the largest conference for AR+VR in Santa Clara, California May 31- June 2, 2017.  Link to Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/AugmentedW... Linda Durnell:   Visceral VR: How VR is Impacting Social Change   A profound shift which is both nuanced and complex is underway amidst the morphing technology landscape and there is an opportunity to create a better future through immersive tools. VR can be used as a tool to develop new ways of seeing ourselves and the world a tool to create a visceral experience and bring change to people or conditions that are in need. VR and social advocacy are a 'perfect storm' to help move people, corporations and ideas toward a new set of values, beliefs or attitudes and ultimately action. 

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