Maryland Tech Council Event

A collaborative community that is actively engaged in building strong technology and life science industries by supporting the efforts of our individual members. We are the largest technology and life sciences trade association in the state of Maryland and we provide value by giving members a forum to learn, share, and connect.Members of the Maryland Tech Council are provided with educational programming taught by industry leaders with a focus on key topics, advocacy at the state and national levels, and a variety of opportunities to participate in both large and small events. Members also have access to our Cost Savings Program where they can choose from our list of reputable companies that provide discounts for business services. We offer an array of benefits that have been chosen to help your business grow. MTC is also able to serve the tech and biotech communities with assets like the Maryland Health Care Product Development Corporation (MHCPDC). MHCPDC’s goal is to stimulate growth of the biomedical industry in the state through “early stage” investment with promising Maryland biomedical and medical technology companies.

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