Presenting at International Positive Psychology Association, Melbourne Australia

A digital healthcare revolution is changing the human experience. Virtual reality (VR) or immersive technology is creating a significant leap in the health and wellbeing space—transforming healthcare by leveraging technology. The therapeutic use of VR can assist us in living the good life—the healthy life. Technology used in this way may hold the key to teaching us how to deconstruct fear and anxiety—the experience of suffering—and enhance our wellbeing. Because VR can evoke a cognitive state, researchers are measuring the behavioral responses. Recent outcomes have shown that the brain cannot distinguish between real life and virtual life, thereby it becomes a powerful tool in behavior change. Researchers are using VR to help with pain management, PTSD, assessments, health and wellness. This presentation will report the current medical and VR technological inventions and applications that are shaping the healthcare and wellness field with specific attention to VR’s potential to help with the rediscovery of our humanity and compassion.

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