Awarded NEXUS Grant

The Washington-Baltimore Combined Statistical Area (CSA) is preeminently positioned to serve as a "MedTech Harbor" and global leader. At the nexus of critical enablers, our CSA includes top-tier research institutions, a world-renowned national laboratory (APL) that excels at prototyping and demonstrating transformative technology, and Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Serving Institutions with deep expertise and commitment to health equity. We also boast venture capital firms and MedTech accelerators that prioritize DEI, local access to federal government leaders, community partners engaged in advancing inclusive innovation, and a diverse workforce. Accordingly, the leadership of Johns Hopkins University is incredibly instrumental to the MedTech Harbor's early development.The proposed convening series aims to begin mobilizing stakeholders in the Washington- Baltimore CSA, including leaders from academic institutions, APL, government agencies, advocacy groups, and policymakers, to envision a future MedTech Harbor. This proposal is timely because NTH will join forces with IIHI to describe a successful model of how our region can provide developers of groundbreaking inclusive medical technologies with the necessary guidance, financial support, and shared experience to avoid common mistakes faced along the translation pathway. The convenings will also focus on broadening participation in HealthTech innovation and inclusive excellence. The IIHI will partner with leading scholars from the Berman Institute and JH-wide to ensure that our MedTech efforts hold to our vision of inclusive innovation in MedTech.This great team was awarded a Nexus Convening award for our proposed “The Nexus of NeuroTech Translation and Inclusive Innovation”. We are exciting to start working on this wonderful opportunity. NEXUS Grant Award

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