Presenting Research Poster at Stanford's Innovations in Psychiatry & Behavior Health: VR and Behavior Change

Durnell's research poster presentation is on "Viewing a Crisis In VR:  A Different Approach to Behavioral Change."   This symposium will include discussions of virtual and augmented reality innovations and resources that are most likely to change the field including, but not limited to: emerging therapies and devices, impactful combinations of existing treatments with virtual reality, and models for how clinicians may collaborate on these innovations with computer scientists and engineers.

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Durnell Highlighted in 2017 Impact Report

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Department of Defense Presentation and Public Panel

Durnell joined the United States Department of Defense in a simulation exercise aimed at countering terrorist messaging in Iraq and Syria.  On Jan. 17, 2017 at a public forum in Santa Barbara, Calif., Durnell and the panel described their experiences: the months of briefings on terrorism, culture, and the politics of the regions; teaming with Military Intelligence Special Operations to create audio, video, and graphic media to send to imams, tribal leaders, and even ISIL supporters and recent defectors; the real-time simulation with nearly 100 people in seven countries; and more. 

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Durnell Awarded the 2017 Mike R. Neal Legacy Scholarship Award

The Michael R. Neal Legacy Award is given annually to a student who demonstrates outstanding academic achievement, media innovation and collaboration with and support of fellow media scholars. After receiving the award, Durnell responded, "I am keenly aware that I would not be receiving this Michael R. Neal Legacy award without the support and dedication of the Media Psychology faculty.

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Train Your Brain Using the Navy SEAL Mental Toughness Program

Linda Durnell, Huffington Post

If our environment is extreme in nature, complete with chaos, stress and panic, how do we live with or manage the fear and stress? The answer may exist in the groundbreaking neuroscience research that helped the Navy SEALs control their extreme environment through a mental toughness program. 

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